Having the major dynamic DNS services provide me with a domain name for my internet connection, I configured updatedd on my OpenWrt box. I stopped using ez-ipupdate because this application did not seem to pick up the WAN address of my ADSL router, but picked up the address of my wrt54gs and set that address to be my external address. Which gave problems, of course. Therefore I started to use updatedd which also supports all major dynamic DNS service providers.

Installing the packages

To get updatedd up and running, you need to install the package updatedd_2.5-1_ mipsel.ipk. Since I like to use the provider dyndns.org en no-ip.org I also installed the following packages updatedd-mod-noip_2.5-1_mipsel.ipk and updatedd-mod-dyndns_2.5-1_mipsel.ipk.

Update your IP

Now all the needed packages are installed. Now it’s time to update your IP with the chosen providers, for me, this is no-ip.org and dyndns.org.

updatedd noip username:password nodename.bounceme.net

updatedd dyndns username:password nodename.homeftp.org

Update your IP regularly

Now we want this action to be updated regularly. This means cron will be helpful. To edit cron you can use the command crontab -e. Which uses the VI commands to edit the content. I set up cron in the following way.

0 0 * * * updatedd noip username:password nodename.bounceme.net
0 0 * * * updatedd dyndns username:password nodename.homeftp.org

This will update my dynamic DNS accounts every day at midnight. 📝✏️