Commuting back home. Lovely sun rays behind the train window. Stiff day at work. Mondays are not my most favourite days.

Hopefully the missus will be back early tonight. Long day for her today.

Finished reading: Nu of nooit by Dai Carter 📚

Een mooi verhaal en lessen! Vooral de voorbeelden uit zijn actieve militaire periode.

Goedemiddag deze mooie maandag. Iedereen een mooie week toegewenst.

The iOS client is really slick. 📲

Happy and beautiful sunday morning to you. About to get up for a nice and relaxing walk down the river.

Not looking forward to weekly house cleaning. But the missus insisted. So as a good man I do so.

Enjoy your Sunday.

Finished reading: Ik weet je wachtwoord by Daniël Verlaan 📚

Great book (in Dutch) about the dark and dangers on the internet. Great read and also a nice audiobook to listen to.

It is a beautiful sunny saturday morning. A small coffee☕️, Macbook💻, sitting in the sun☀ behind the windows. Feels like an early spring.

Have a great weekend, you all.

It is a beutiful sunny saturday morning. A small coffee☕️, Macbook💻, sitting in the sun☀ behind the windows. Feels like an early spring.

Have a great weekend, you all.

Don’t Stop - Remastered 2009 The Stone Roses…

In 1991 Freddy Mecury died and I was at my best friend’s place making some bad jokes about it. My friend was a die-hard fan of Queen. I was not. Must have probably hurt him badly.

For the years that followed I really got to appreciate (understatement) the genius music that Queen made. I feel terrible about it now how I acted as a 20-year old. I can’t reverse how I acted. Not only did I hurt my (then) best friend, but I was also disdainful to a genius singer, composer and probably a nice guy.

After 34 years this is still on my mind… not all the time…. but every time I listen to Queen.

Have started to automate things in DEVONthink 3. With Applescript. This is the first attempt. A script to create zettelkasten notes in the current group. 👨🏽‍💻…

Awake on a Sunday morning (or at night if you wish) at 05:15.

Picking up the phone and start browsing

Is that normal behaviour?

I can’t imagine anyone not wanting a nice 16 year old lagavulin.

Cheers 🥃

Take it easy, don’t let the sound of your own wheels drive you crazy. 💬🎸

Vanmiddag spontaan gaan lunchen in de stad na de wandeling 🚶‍♀️ 🥪

Zaterdagochtend wandeling in Tiel. 📷🚶🏽‍♂️


Inundatiekanaal Tiel

Heerlijk zo’n rustige (stiekem luie) zaterdagochtend. Nu eerst even een korte wandeling van een uurtje of zo en dan door lopen naar de binnenstad voor een leuke lunch met mijn meisje. Wat wil je nog meer? 🍞🚶🏻‍♂️

This 17 year old lady is fast asleep. 🐈